~ TEVA ~

The Ecclesiastical Village Association

Connecting us to one another, nature, and our Creator.

“Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

Ecclesiastes 4:9

group-diverse-occupation-people (1)

TEVA's members come from all walks of life: Farmers, Doctors, Dance Instructors, Web designers, Pastry Chefs, Custom Butchers, Herbalists, Welders, and Builders, just to name a few.

Welcome to TEVA

Where significant connections happen!

TEVA is a faith-based private member association that brings people together for the common good of all. As a TEVA member, you can learn to bring life to our earth, ourselves, and one another by focusing on a regenerative lifestyle that honors God and His creation. This private, faith-based association encourages members to use their God-given talents, products, and skills for the betterment of others, similar to how people live in a village. There is a members directory of goods and services accessible to all members. Members can meet for educational and social events; gather to pray, read scripture, and break bread together.

  • Members directory of goods and services

  • Meet for educational and social events

Join TEVA For


Connect with other members for Goods and Services


Connect with others to learn more about Nature


Connect with others to learn more about our Creator


Connect with others for special educational, social, and spiritual events

Join TEVA For



Connect with other members for Goods and Services



Connect with others to learn more about Nature



Connect with others to learn more about our Creator



Connect with others for special educational, social, and spiritual events

TEVA is a modern village of people ready to learn, receive, and give!

There are two types of Members: Guest and Village
Currently, both are free

Guest Members can utilize TEVA to attend private educational, social, and faith-based events, which may or may not be free. Guest members may utilize TEVA to locate Village members’ products, skills, and services. Guest members do not have to be people of faith.

Village members have the same privileges as Guest members. However, they use TEVA to showcase their products, skills, and services. Joining TEVA can open the doors for your God-given gifts to be located by others through the members' directory.

Future Event Goals


Animal Husbandry
Wild Edible Walks
Food preservation
Healthy Living Classes
Soil Regeneration


Kayaking/paddle boarding
Hiking trips
Village Dinner
Fall Festival
Community Outreach

  1. 1. I affirm that members are learning to see themselves as part of God’s finest natural creation and are learning to respect natural regenerative methods that support themselves and all other natural systems so that all would flourish and regenerate.
  2. I affirm that the mission of The Ecclesiastical Village Association (TEVA) is to provide all members with a private platform for members to assemble together for the purpose of better understanding Yahweh-God, His creation, and to use their God-given talents, products, and skills for the betterment of others.
    All such exchanges are in the private domain, and members utilize the protections guaranteed by the Constitutions of the United States and equivalent provisions of the various State Constitutions.
  3. I affirm this Association is not a public corporation, profitable business partnership, or any other form of publicly incorporated association. Instead, this Association is created as a separate, lawful, spiritual, private, and unincorporated Faith-Based Association.
  4. I affirm that TEVA and its members may or may not be licensed in any capacity.
  5. I affirm that ALL Association activities are restricted to the private domain only. Thus, ALL records, documents, directories, etc., are the association's property, even if I receive a copy of them. I am committed to maintaining the privacy of this Association.
  6. I affirm that the Village Members' annual dues are currently waived. And that I will be notified if and when dues are required. Acceptance into the Association does not entitle me to any interest in the Association finances thereof, and I will not be liable for any debts, obligations, liabilities, etc., of the Association.
  7. I affirm that this Ministerial Association is in its infant stage of development, and not all member privileges are currently accessible.
  8.  I affirm this is a Faith-Based Association.

  9.  I affirm that any request by me to a fellow member to use their products or services, receive or give educational training or health-related care, and/or participate in any activity within the private domain of this Private Ministerial Association is my own free decision and an exercise of my rights made by me for the benefit of my animals, children, and myself. I agree to hold the Trustee(s), staff and other members, and the Association harmless from any liability for the results of such interactions, etc., except for harm that results from instances of a clear and present danger of substantive evil as determined by the Association, as stated and defined by the United States Supreme Court.

  10. I enter into this agreement of my own free will without any pressure or coercion. I affirm that I do not represent any Local, State, or Federal agency whose purpose is to regulate and approve products or services or to carry out any mission of enforcement, entrapment, or investigation. I have read and understood this agreement, and my questions have been answered fully to my satisfaction. I understand that I can terminate my agreement with the Association at any time and that the Association can and will revoke this agreement with me if I engage in abusive, violent, menacing, destructive, or harassing behavior toward any other member of the Association.

  11. I affirm that since the Association is protected by the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, it is outside the jurisdiction and authority of Federal and State Agencies and Authorities concerning all complaints or grievances against the Association, any Trustee(s), members, or other staff persons. All rights of complaints or grievances will be settled by an Association Committee and will be waived by the member for the benefit of the Association and its members.

  12. The Association will recognize any natural man or woman, irrespective of race, who has joined this Association or any social media group organized, created, or managed by this Association and is in agreement with these principles and policies as a member of this Association, providing the said person has not been sanctioned, exercised, or otherwise banned by the Association.

  13. I hereby certify that I have carefully read the above TEVA Village Agreement and that by joining this Association and/or the Association's websites and/or social media group(s), I fully understand and agree with it.

  1. I affirm that the MISSION of The Ecclesiastical Village Association (TEVA) is to provide all members with a PRIVATE platform for members to assemble for the purpose of better understanding Yahweh-God, His creation, and to use their God-given gifts, products, and skills for the betterment of others.
    All such exchanges are in the private domain, and members utilize the protections guaranteed by the Constitutions of the United States and equivalent provisions of the various State Constitutions.
  2. I affirm that any request by me to a fellow member to purchase products or services, receive or give educational training or health-related care, and/or participate in any activity within the private domain of this Private Ministerial Association is my own free decision and an exercise of my rights made by me for the benefit of my animals, children, and myself. I agree to hold the Founders, Trustee(s), staff, and other members and the Association harmless from any liability for the results of such interactions, etc., except for harm that results from instances of a clear and present danger of substantive evil as determined by the Association, as stated and defined by the United States Supreme Court. TEVA is outside the jurisdiction and authority of Federal and State Agencies and Authorities concerning all complaints or grievances against the Association, any Trustee(s), members, or other staff persons. All rights of complaints or grievances will be settled by an Association Committee and will be waived by the member for the benefit of the Association and its members.
  3. I affirm that TEVA and its members, products, or services may or may not be licensed or inspected in any capacity. It is my responsibility to research products, services, and all other activities prior to exchange or participation.
  4. As a member, I am not entitled to any interest in TEVA’s finances thereof, and I am not liable for any debts, obligations, liabilities, etc., of the Association.
  5. I affirm that ALL Association activities are restricted to the private domain only. Thus, ALL records, documents, directories, etc., are the property of the association, even if I receive a copy of them. I am committed to maintaining the privacy of this Association.
    Bill of Rights 4th Amendment
    “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
  6. I enter this agreement freely without any pressure or coercion. I affirm that I do not represent any Local, State, or Federal agency whose purpose is to regulate and approve products or services or to carry out any mission of enforcement, entrapment, or investigation. I understand that I can withdraw from this agreement at any time and that the Founders of TEVA can terminate this agreement with me if I engage in abusive, violent, menacing, destructive, or harassing behavior toward any other member of the Association.
  7. I hereby certify that I have carefully read this agreement and that my questions have been satisfactorily answered. By joining this Association and/or the Association's websites and/or social media group(s), I fully understand and agree with it.

We believe that all of mankind has sinned and is imperfect. Sin has various forms, ranging from selfishness to apparent acts of violence. The consequence of sin is death and eternal wrath.

We believe the Creator of the world, unlike mankind, is sinless. The Creator is perfect in every way.

We believe the Creator exists in three beings who are equal in all attributes: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Together, they have created this miraculous nature we see around us! The Creator’s infinite power, wisdom, and love hold nature together. This love was obviously demonstrated when the Son, Jesus-Yeshau, came to set us free from eternal death and wrath. Jesus-Yeshua chose to experience justified wrath and death to pay the penalty for sin.

We believe that the Holy Spirit is born inside us when we confess with our mouths and genuinely believe in our hearts that Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection lawfully paid the penalty for our sins. This is called being born again. At that supernatural moment, we become a new creature. With the Holy Spirit living inside us, we then desire to obey our Creator. And at that moment, He actually sees us as being His holy children set apart from the sinful world. Now, we can call the Creator of the universe our Father or Abba! We can begin to have a loving relationship with our eternal Father. This is regenerative living to the fullest!

We believe that Jesus’ death upon the cross lawfully paid the penalty for sin. Justice has been satisfied. Jesus broke the power of death by rising to life again. As Yahweh God’s children, we are saved from eternal damnation. Therefore, we can rejoice knowing there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. Every believer in Christ will one day be reunited in Yahweh, God’s perfect eternal kingdom, where we will be completely free from the pain and suffering of sin and surrounded by our Father’s unconditional love.

Commitments to God and the Members

Jesus tells us in the Bible that the greatest commandment is to,

‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

We commit to asking Yahweh God, the Father, to assist us in obeying these two commands.

What TEVA is NOT
Teva is not a public corporation, profitable business partnership, or any other form of a publicly incorporated association. Instead, this Association was created as a separate, lawful, spiritual, private, and unincorporated Faith-Based Association.

TEVA Application Form

Your data will be deleted on form submission so no entry data or analytics is on file. Because we do not keep a back-up of form submissions, if you have not heard from us in 7 days, please follow up with us at contact@visitteva.com to ensure we received your submission.

Membership Agreement

Declaration of Comprehension

I have read the Village Member Lawful Agreement and am voluntarily changing my capacity from that of a public person to that of a private Village Member. I agree to join TEVA, a Private Ministerial Association under Common Law and Ecclesiastical Law. My autograph indicates that I do affirm with every item number 1 through and including 13 listed above. This completes the agreement.

Village Membership Information Form

Please complete and click submit. Remember, the information you share here will only be for the members of this private association. Still, if there is something you feel uncomfortable sharing, such as your address, you certainly do not have to share that. There is absolutely no pressure placed on you to give personal information beyond what you are comfortable with. Now, with that being said, the more you share, the easier it will be for other members to know what you want to offer the village association, as well as your proximity to them.

How do you want members to contact you about your products or services, etc.?

What skills, talents, products, or services do you want to offer the Village?

Guest Membership Form


I hereby certify that I have carefully read the Private Guest Member Lawful Agreement and that my questions have been satisfactorily answered. By joining this Association and/or the Association's websites and/or social media group(s), I fully understand and agree with it.

I agree to join TEVA, a Private Ministerial Association under Common Law and Ecclesiastical Law, as a Guest Member. My autograph indicates that I do affirm statements 1 through 7 of the agreement.